Based on business need and budget, select a package: Basic, Standard, or Advanced.
Step 2
Choose from a breath of website features from Blogs to online booking.
Step 3
Contact Incite to work out the kinks, discuss features & additional customization if needed.
You choose a skin to create the look and feel of your site. If you don't like our selection of free stock skins, you can always find beautiful and affordable options from Snowcovered. Working together we obtain a domain name, hosting, and the details of your package. You provide content & images; we build the site. If you need additional assistance with images, customization, photography, or print, we can help with that too. In the process, you will learn, if you wish, to log on to view and edit your site. At this point, you are now in the driver's seat, blown away by the low cost and brilliance of your new site, and are making daily referrals to Incite.